Saturday, November 30, 2019
Stem Cell Research An issue in American Culture Essay Example
Stem Cell Research: An issue in American Culture Essay In 2004, following the death of former United States President Ronald Reagan from the degenerative Alzheimer’s disease, a campaign led by Nancy Reagan and her family was launched to persuade President Bush to alleviate the US government-imposed restrictions on stem cell research. While other countries such as Britain, Japan and Korea have embarked on, and are now engaged in stem cell research, harvesting of stem cells from embryos remains to be a debatable issue in the United States. The future of stem cell research in the American culture remains to be uncertain in that several sides and concerns are being considered foremost of which is the moral issue on the research.  Supporters of the research spearheaded by member of the scientific community and others, like the Reagan family, see the research as a means of finding ways to treat and cure human diseases. Religious groups, on the other hand, like the Roman Catholic Church and several other conservative protestant church es belong to the other side of the debate as they see stem cell research as a means of exploiting helpless lives of human embryos.What are Stem Cells?Stem cells are unspecialized type of human or animal cells that can produce mature specialized body cells such as blood cells, heart cells and brain cells, and at the same time replicate themselves (Stem Cells, 2004). Stem cells can repair or replace damaged body tissues because stem cells are less likely than other foreign cells to be rejected by the immune system when implanted in the body (Stem Cells, 2004). They are primarily categorized into embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.Embryonic stem cells can be extracted from a blastocyst or a very young embryo, about four to five days old and comprised of 200 to 250 cells. Embryonic cells can develop to into any of the 220 cell types of the human body given the necessary stimuli. Otherwise, these embryonic cells continue to divide and the new cells retain the ability to develop in to any mature cell type.The abilities to replicate itself and to develop into any mature cell type make the embryonic cell a potential cure to a number of diseases and injuries.Adult stem cells can be extracted from the tissues of both adult and children without inflicting harm or death to the subject. Adult stem cells function to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues (Stem Cells, 2004). Most researchers, however, agree that there are limited uses of adult stem cells such that unlike embryonic stem cells that can develop into any of the 220 types of cells, adult stem cells can only be used to produce some of these 220 human cells.Potentials of the Stem CellMedical researchers are interested in studying and pursuing their research on stem cell because of its potential to help improve human health including that of around 128 million Americans suffering from various diseases. While most of the studies are preliminary and privately funded, scientists believe stem cel ls have the potential to treat Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases, spinal cord injuries, heart disease, and multiple sclerosis (Stevens, 2003). Medical researchers also view stem cells as a potential in creating entire new organs for transplant and they can potentially repair or replace damaged tissues because they are less likely to be rejected by the immune system when implanted in the human body. Stem cells can also help diabetic patients and those whose hearts were damaged by a heart attack (Stevens, 2003).The ControversyControversy in stem cell research was commenced by studies conducted by James A. Thomson and his colleagues at the University of Wisconsin who isolated the first human embryonic stem cells from human embryos. The findings of the study was published in the journal Science where Thomson and his group reported that they have created self- perpetuating colonies in culture by harvesting embryonic stem cells from leftover embryos (Hall, 2006).While Thomson’s fi ndings were viewed by the scientific community as a breakthrough because of the embryonic cells’ medical potentials, controversy also surfaced because of bio- ethical and moral issues on destroying human embryos to start embryonic cell cultures. It also appears to violate the Dickey amendment signed by President Bill Clinton in 1995 which declares as illegal the use of federal money to fund stem cell researches that destroy human embryos. Thus, Thomson’s experiment commenced a controversy that has become an object of a political and moral debate. On August 9, 2001, President George W. Bush announced that the National Institutes of Health could issue federal research grants only for embryonic stem cell lines that had been created by that date. In July 19, 2006, President George W. Bush vetoed the stem cell research bill passed by the Senate and the House which aimed to increase the current number of existing stem cell lines. The debate on stem cell research therefore co ntinues because President Bush’s decisions have had efforts to meet halfway both of the demands and views of the supporters and opponents of stem cell research.The IssueThe use and extraction of adult stem cells in research do not pose much controversy because harvesting them does not harm cause harm to the subject.  The use of embryonic stem cells, however, has sparked controversies and debates, and became the primary issue in stem cell research. This is largely due to the technique used in creating them. At present, there are two methods of developing embryonic cell lines that will be used for research: isolation of stem cells directly from an embryo, which necessitates the destruction of the embryo where the stem cells are harvested; and cell nuclear transfer, also known as embryo-cloning (Stevens, 2003). Cloning, the second method employed to develop embryonic stem cells is in itself already a controversial issue.Scientists and researchers, however, prefer using embryo nic stem cells than adult stem cells because the latter is less versatile and have limited uses than embryonic stem cells. President Bush’s decision in 2001 that federal funds can be issued to fund stem cell research provided only the embryonic cell lines that were already created by that date has posed limitations on the research. This mandate restricted researchers to use the then existing 72 lines of stem cells but by May 2003, most of these lines had become useless and by mid 2006, only 22 remained and many of them were of limited usefulness because of DNA damage (Robinson 2006). Nevertheless, President Bush’s decision neither made pro-lifers happy such that the National Conference of Catholic Bishops called the President’s decision as â€Å"morally unacceptable (Brookhiser, 2003).Considering the potentials of stem cell research in medical breakthroughs and the limitations of the remaining stem cell lines, the senate and the congress approved the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act earlier in 2006. The bill was, however,  vetoed by President Bush  in July 19, 2006 contending that â€Å"the bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others†, and that it crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect†(Babington, 2006). The debate on stem cell research therefore continues with supporters led by medical researchers and policy makers; and opponents led by the Roman Catholic Church, several conservative protestant churches and pro- life groups.The Supporter’s ViewsCelebrities such as Nancy Reagan, Michael J. Fox, and the late Christopher Reeve, supported and campaigned for stem cell research because of the potential of the embryonic stem cells to treat many diseases and injuries. Some of theses diseases are cancer, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and Alzheimers which are deadly and sometimes incurable; debilitating and often fatal autoimmu ne disorders like lupus, multiple sclerosis, and Crohns disease; and such others as are kidney disease, Parkinsons, spinal paralysis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrigs disease), and severe burns (Herold, 2003). It is contended by researchers that the potentials of stem cells may eradicate almost all cell based diseases. Stem cells can also give solution to age related diseases and can even alter the process of aging. According to Herold (2003), â€Å"when stem cell treatments become available to Americans, they could end up extending peoples life spans well beyond anything one could have dreamed possible a mere 10 years ago†.Aside from these, Herold relates that researchers believe that stem cell research will advance man’s knowledge on human biology in that it will enable scientists to understand what is going on in cells during, and after development which will have tremendous impact in the way genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, an d muscular dystrophy are treated and cured. Moreover, by observing what goes wrong at the very earliest stage of cell development through stem cell research, scientists will be able to get a genetic blueprint of a host of diseases and birth defects, then design interventions to cure them (Herold, 2003).As for the use of embryos used in stem cell research, supporters justify that these are surplus embryos that are taken with consent from in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics. Surplus embryos from IVF clinics, according to supporters, are either frozen, or unpreserved. Some of frozen embryos, however,  die during the freezing or thawing process or because of equipment malfunction; and only a few survived and are adopted because of certain issues such as couples that produced these embryos do not want unrelated persons to raise their biological child. Unpreserved embryos ultimately die and clinics simply discard them. These surplus embryos in IVF Clinics now numbering to 400,000 in t he United States alone may either be thrown away or preferably, for researchers and supporter of stem cell research, used for further experiments and studies (Robinson, 2006). Supporters therefore contend that that instead of being discarded for nothing, it would be best to utilize these embryos as using them to learn more about human cells may lead to medical knowledge that can cure and even save the lives of millions of sick people worldwide.Opposition to stem cell research mainly comes from pro-lifers, conservative religious groups which includes the Roman Catholic Church and several other protestant churches. Most of those who oppose legal abortion in the United States also oppose stem cell research because both involves destroying what they claim as human life in its early stage of development. The opposition argues that deriving stem cell culture entails killing human embryos and as such, scientists and researchers who use them become guilty of murder. In the eyes of the oppos ition, all stem cell research, though legal, is illicit and immoral according to Sacred Scripture (Spees, 2002, p. 11). Heinrich Bedford-Strohm (2002), a minister and member of the World Council of Churches working group on bio-ethics contends that the reason why most Christian churches oppose research with embryos is because they â€Å"see the dignity of the human person violated when embryos are sacrificed for reasons outside themselves, as good as those reasons might be†.The techniques used in embryonic stem cell research, for them, are in conflict with ethical norms, because these techniques use early human life as a means to achieve an external end (Bedford-Strohm 2002). Similar with an issue in abortion, questions on the beginning of life have also surfaced in the stem cell research debate. Religious groups opposing stem cell research have cited several verses in the Bible in support of their claim that destroying human embryos for research is in contrast with teachings and values in the Bible. One of these verses is in the Book of Psalms 139:13 where the psalmist said: â€Å"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb†(Psalms 139:13 New International Version). For the opposition, God himself has created and given importance to life even in its early stage. It therefore follows that destroying this life, in the form of embryonic stem cell testing, is disrespect to God.Another issue raised by the opposition is with regards to the technique employed in stem cell research called cell nuclear transfer, also known as embryo-cloning. This is for reason that cloning, for conservative Christian groups, is a babylonic attempt to being equal with God, the ultimate Creator of life and all things on Earth. For them, man has no right to be like God by â€Å"creating†new life through cloning technology.ConclusionControversy in stem cell research emerged because medical researchers prefer using embryonic stem cell s over adult stem cell because of their versatility and many uses, and which entails destroying the embryos where these stem cells come from. Supporters of stem cell research, mostly scientists and researchers, and those who are inflicted with diseases that are deadly and remain incurable contend that the research is necessary to treat and even save those who are dying from incurable diseases and to advance man’s medical knowledge. Those who oppose the research, however, contend that the process employed in gathering stem cells for research constitutes murder because it entails destroying the embryos, and that it is a way of destroying life that God has given. They also see the technique of cell nuclear transfer employed in stem cell research as another babylonic attempt of man to be like God. These moral and religious contentions and the status quo of stem cell research in the American culture explain why the future of the research remains uncertain in the United States.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Deregulation essays
Deregulation essays The article I chose has to with alternative energy sources and deregulation of the industry. The focus of the article is put on a company called PowerLight Corporation in Berkeley, California. This particular $10 million company designs and manufacturers solar electric products. PowerLight Corp. is a very fast growing company over past years and is expected to grow at an even faster rate in years to come. The government in California provides great aid to these alternative energy companies by just about splitting the cost 50/50 with the consumers when alternative energy products are purchased. Since PowerLight Corp. has been around for some time now they are currently offering 20-year warranties on their products. The article then brings up the issue of deregulation in the industry, leaving the reader to draw his or her own conclusions on the possible and somewhat unpredictable effects it may have when implemented. Undoubtedly, energy is a treacherous business. One can enter the market one year, and have tremendous success, and by the same time the year after they could possibly be bankrupt. Many believe deregulation is the answer to the industrys problem, while others believe it is only the answer to the alternative energy market. Alongside the article from Inc. Magazine discussing PowerLight Corp. and deregulation, I feel it is necessary to incorporate more information on deregulation to validify and clarify my assessment. I used very small clips of articles and industry news from the Electric Light The main goal of these regulatory commissions was to create a reasonable rate structure that would be appealing to both producers and consumers. While this system has worked for many years, it has recently come under heavy criticism, with many people pushing...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Difference Between a Phase and State of Matter
The Difference Between a Phase and State of Matter The matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. States of matter are the physical form taken by the phases of matter. Although the state and phase dont mean quite the same thing, youll often hear the two terms used interchangeably. The States of Matter States of matter are solids, liquids, gases, and plasma. Under extreme conditions, other states exist, such as s Bose–Einstein condensates and neutron-degenerate matter. The state is the form taken by matter at a given temperature and pressure. Phases of Matter A phase of matter is uniform with respect to its physical and chemical properties. Matter undergoes phase transitions to change from one phase to another. The primary phases of matter are solids, liquids, gases, and plasma. Examples At room temperature and pressure, the state of a piece of dry ice (carbon dioxide) would be solid and gas phases. At 0  °C, the state of water can be the solid, liquid, and/or gas phase. The state of water in a glass is the liquid phase. Learn More Diagram of Phase ChangesPhases of Matter and Phase Diagrams4 The Main States of Matter
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Historical aspects in Last of the Mohicans Essay
Historical aspects in Last of the Mohicans - Essay Example As such, we will analyze how Native Americans were first perceived by the original settlers at Plymouth Rock, by the government with the Trail of Tears, and later on by politicians who bargained with and swindled the Lakhota Sioux. II. The Sorrow: Plymouth Rock When the settlers arrived at Plymouth Rock, Native Americans were considered quote â€Å"savages,†as evidenced in the following sentence found in James Fenimore Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans: The man had â€Å"†¦a look so dark and savage, that it might in itself excite fear†(Cooper 1859, 47). This stereotype of the Native American painted as some sort of inhuman creature was only reinforced by the idea that they made them feel that there was a definite threat to their women (white women). â€Å"Notwithstanding the fearful and menacing array of savages on every side of her, no apprehension on her own account could prevent the noble-minded maiden from keeping her eyes fastened on the pale and anx ious feaures of the trembling Alice†(Cooper 1859, 373). While this was not an unmitigated fear, as some white settlers’ wives were caught and captured to be made part of the Indian tribes, this fear was largely propagated by white peopleâ€â€and widely-circulated as rumor that Indians were always on the prowl for some fair, blond-headed maven that they might take in search of satisfying their savage lust. Of course, that is not to say that there was not favoritism displayed even among tribes, as Cooper notes. â€Å"[T]here is but little love between a Delaware and a Mingo†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Cooper 1859, 249). Nor, can it be said, was there the absence of nepotism either. â€Å"The Hurons love their friends the Delawares. . . . Why should they not? They are colored by the same sun, and their just men will hunt in the same grounds after death†(Cooper 1859, 365). Surely, by the same token, Cooperâ€â€being a white narratorâ€â€tries to preface a racist state ment by saying the equivalent of, â€Å"I’m not racist but†¦,†thus attempting to neutralize any shred of judgmental ideas coming after that statement as not being perceived racist. Cooper writes, â€Å"I am not a prejudiced man, nor one who vaunts himself on his natural privileges, though the worst enemy I have on earth, and he is an Iroquois, daren’t deny that I am genuine white†(Cooper 1859, 36). In essence, he is saying, â€Å"Not that this really has anything to do with him being Iroquois, but this guy is the most annoying chap I’ve ever met on the planet. Oh, and did I mention he’s Iroquois?†Well, if was a fact that didn’t matter, why was the fact mentioned? The mere fact that Cooper mentions that the other person being Iroquois didn’t matter, mattered. If he had just simply said, â€Å"Well, there was this annoying guy.†But, since he mentioned that the person also happened to be of a certain race, t hat sort of tempers the statement, tinging it and tainting it in a most unusual fashionâ€â€in essence coloring the way one sees the sentence. Indubiously, one is led to believe that perhaps if one Iroquois person is an enemy, then perhaps naturally should many or all Iroquois be one’s enemyâ€â€by nature of whatever unpalatable elements the Iroquois people may possess. Although Cooper does not expressly say it, he is (yes) being racist. Although he tries to paint a dapper picture with his writer’s quill, he is has unremarkably sullied the way he will forever be remembered in historyâ€â€
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Follow the materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Follow the materials - Essay Example The two targeted audiences are the board of the school and the students. These audiences are different in several aspects (Longaker, 2011). The board is an official body that deals with the school management. This board is in charge of making decisions on matters concerning the school and student welfare. This board has the power to change laws within the school and should be approached with care, using all the writing ethics that are applied in official communication. The second audience consists of students. They are the ones affected by the school policies and laws. As mentioned in the letter to the board, the change in the fee structure will have a huge impact on the way the students function. This audience has no direct effect on the setting of school laws and policies. The final decisions do not lie in their hands, and they have to depend on the board to make important school decisions for them. The two audiences affect the way in which the communication decisions were made. The board implies the need of being official in the communication, bringing up the need to write an official letter. The message is effective because the board can be addressed as a single entity. This means that a single letter can be sent to the entire board instead of writing individual letters to Board members. It is also difficult to get the board to an interactive meeting as most of its members are difficult to reach. Hence, it is easier to write them a letter, which can be read to the entire board whenever they meet. The students, on the other hand, are available during school days and getting them into one sitting is easy. It is easier to communicate to them through mass presentations such as PowerPoint and website presentations. Thus, the decision to use a site presentation was driven by the fact that the students could be addressed quickly and informally. Using letters with them would require that multiple letters be written, one for each student. The letters are also
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Critical Thinking Essay Example for Free
Critical Thinking Essay 1. Is it wrong to kill someone in self-defense? I think that ultimately it’s wrong to kill anyone no matter the situation. Do I understand killing someone in self- defense? Yes I do, if you are at your home and someone breaks and enters into your home and your safety and family’s safety is jeopardized I feel that a person should protect themselves at all costs no matter what. It’s not against the law for an individual to bear arms, unless they are a felon. But I believe that no person should not react if there life is at risk. 2. Should people be given equal opportunities, regardless of race, religion, or gender? Yes I do believe that no matter race, gender, or religion, everyone deserves a fair chance at success. Whether it’s applying for school, jobs, etc. I don’t think that these things can affect the way and individual works! I do believe in equal opportunity! 3. Is it wrong to ridicule someone, even if you believe it’s in good fun? Yes I do believe it’s wrong to ridicule someone even if it’s fun to you, it may not be fun to the person you ridicule. What’s funny to you can be very hurtful to the next person; you don’t know what the person your ridiculing has been through or what they are going through. I have seen and heard of people being ridiculed by someone and they have actually taken drastic measures as far as committing suicide or have gone on a killing spree. Killing the ones that have ridiculed them or put them through a lot allowing people to ridicule them. It’s easy for one to look at someone’s misfortunes and tease them and make fun of them. Just because you want to make yourself feel better. I think that people that do this are unhappy with their life, that they have to make other’s feel bad about there’s. It’s not right and it’s not fair.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
religion :: essays research papers
St. Therese of Lisieux There are some people that find the great St. Teresa of Avila, the namesake of my Therese Martin, rather terrifying. When you get to know a little about her, she seems very charming and you begin to like her. Little Therese, on the other hand, has never been disliked and has never made anybody in the least afraid. She was characterized by a complete ordinariness and if it wasn’t for her being an exceptional person, she would be a â€Å"normal†woman. Nevertheless, her main significance lies in her spiritual doctrine, the method which she herself described as the â€Å"Little Way†. A large part of her appeal is that she made the astounding promise just before her death that she would spend her heaven doing good on earth, a promise which has been carried out by the performance of countless miracles, a good number of them miracles of grace. There are certain things about her that have to be overcome. One of these, which was not her fault, is her upbringing. The â€Å"saint of antimacassars†or â€Å"of the lace curtains†is one of the most astonishing of all the great saints. Therese’s â€Å"Little Way†of spirituality did not once permit her to have any ecstasies or visions. She made no prophecies. â€Å"She had nothing in the nature of a stigmata, nor did she wear any invisible ring, such as was put on the finger of St. Catherine of Siena." (Maynard, 290) Her life was so ordinary that when she lay dying, she heard two Sisters talking in the kitchen, saying that they wondered what the Reverend Mother would find to say about Therese went she sent out her obituary notices. Therese did experience the phenomenon of what is called second sight, but that is a known psychic symptom and has no necessary connection with holiness. If she was a mystic at all she belonged to that class which enjoys nothing more than union with God. The Martin family is known mainly for one thing: they all aimed at holiness. Therese’s father, Louis Martin, in 1847, when he was twenty-four traveled to the monastery of St. Bernard and applied for admission as a beginner. He was told that he did not know enough Latin, and was advised to return home and learn more before applying again. He went back to Alencon, his home town, and did study for a while, meanwhile carrying on his trade as a watchmaker.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Money and Its Values Essay
The Big Secret Our intention is to help you open the doors to your own amazing wealth. We will share some of the keys and ancient secrets the wealthy have used for centuries to get ahead and stay ahead. Today we want to tell you the BIG SECRET What is the one thing that determines whether you live a rich, successful life? Is it the school you went to? Well, there are a lot of doctors, lawyers and top tier MBA’s wishing that were true. Is it whether your parents were rich or poor? The history of the world is told, it seems, by those bold and daring folks that came from humble eginnings to make a rich and lasting contribution to the wealth of humanity. Is it what country, station, race, gender or religion you were born to? Gandhi, George Washington Carver, Carrie Nation, Sam Walton, even the Beatles testify to the folly of such thinking. The big secret to wealth is and always has been very simple. So simple in fact that we have for centuries ignored its effectiveness. And when you hear it now, you may be tempted to discount it as a homily or even a remnant of religious thinking. The truth is we use this secret in a very specific and systematic way to become Rich Beyond Our Wildest Dreams. And you can too. Ask and Receive. That’s the big secret. You can have anything you want, all you have to do is ask correctly and be willing to receive. It took us from a 2nd personal bankruptcy to a rich and happy life. Regardless of where you start, the simple system we teach can help you live the life of your dreams. Tomorrow we will tell you a few tricks about money. Good Luck and Great Adventures Lesson 2 – Money Is Only A Means Most everyone obsesses about money. We all watch the stock market even if we don’t own many stocks. We worry if the Real Estate market goes up or down, depending on whether we own real state or want to buy it. We are overwhelmed with ads for all kinds of financial experts who tell us to put the first 10% of our income away for ourselves first. One friend said, â€Å"I guess that’s so I can pay the light bill next month. † And of course we all think we pay the IRS way, way too much. In the book â€Å"I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. †Tom and Penelope say, â€Å"Never, never never ask for money. †How can that be if the world runs on money? Well it doesn’t. Money is our means of exchange. It isn’t a cure for unhappiness or ill health or loneliness. We trade money for things. That’s all. Sometimes you don’t even need money. In fact, with the Rich Dreams system you get what you ask for by MEANS over which you have no control. Here’s an example: Shelly lives in Austin, Texas and was in the process of selling her house. She had a buyer, but the process had taken several strange twists. As a result Shelly was practically homeless. She put all her furniture into storage and moved her family into their travel trailer waiting for her house to close. That was two months ago. They’re over the travel trailer, but they need the house to sell to get the funds for a new place. Using the Rich Dreams Success System she wrote the following parameters for her new home. My new home is a two story house. It is in a good neighborhood. It is made of Austin stone. There is a separate guest house for my son. (He’s 15. ) It has a beautiful view. It is secluded. It has lots of windows. My new home has the proper energy for me to finish my novel. It is easily paid for. My house finds me. I write many books in my house. OK, now here’s the part that may shock you to your core. Four days after she wrote that list Shelly moved into that exact home. WOW! Four days. And listen to this†¦ t literally found her! Without Shelly’s knowledge a friend was talking to another friend who said, â€Å"Oh, I wonder if Shelly would move into my spare house. I’d feel much better if somebody was in it. †It is a secluded, two-story house in an upscale neighborhood, with a magnificent view, Austin stone, and one whole wall made entirely of glass. In ba ck is a servants quarters for her son and now for the kicker†¦ I couldn’t believe this one. The owner is a woman author who wrote two very successful books in that house. So Shelly will certainly have the right energy for writing books. Plus†¦ are you ready for this†¦ not only is the house furnished, it does not cost her one red cent. It is totally FREE. Shelly didn’t need money. All she had to do was ask and be willing to receive. What do you want? Use this system and you can have everything you want. Good Luck and Great Adventures Lesson 3 – Vacations Are Worth Their Weight In Gold Vacations can be more than a needed break. They can be a great tool for increasing your wealth. When you detach or let go of your day to day problems it gives the Universe a change to make things happen in your life. You don’t have to do it all. Not in this system. In the Rich Dreams Success System we ask and the Universe provides. Delivery is included. But the big trick is letting go, which is why vacations are so incredibly valuable. They are, that is, if you really, truly let go. Vacation time can, of course, be anything but fun. Have you ever waited so long and planned so hard and then lost your luggage or your wallet? So many TV commercials remind us of how terrible it would be to lose something valuable. We spend so much effort and time trying to make the trip perfect that it can never measure up. The family reunion that finally makes us all the perfect family never happens. The Great Getaway that changes our lives forever is mostly fiction. The idea is to enjoy what you do have regardless of the imperfections. I just returned from two weeks away and I can attest to almost falling into those pitfalls. Throughout my time with old friends and family I stayed focused each day. I let God take care of all the details. The real vacation is in the detachment. Each time I started on a new leg of my journey, I took the time to write down particulars about the flight, my luggage, rental car, the works. Then I detached and remembered to breathe a lot. I had a wonderful time for the most part because I didn’t muck it up with unreasonable or unrealistic expectations. To recreate and vacate (leave) truly means that we need to let go of all the control and truly rest. I think vacation time is designed to help us perfect our ability to detach. Fun, rest and relaxation is an essential part of getting everything you want in life. So don’t wait for a vacation to do it. Enjoy every day as much as you can. Don’t wait for that once a year time to recharge and renew. Take some special time for yourself and your family today. Let the Universe take control of your life. Taking real vacations assures that you live everyday rich beyond your wildest dreams. Good Luck and Great Adventures Lesson 4 – Anytime Spring Cleaning There is one powerful principle which you can use to speed your success along. It is the Vacuum principle which simply stated says that nature hates a vacuum. That means all you have to do to bring more good into your life is to clear out that which is no longer useful to you. Or as we think of it†¦ Making Room for Your Good. Rich Dreamers write lists all the time. Have you noticed hat some of the things you have asked for are a little slow in showing up? This may be due to a number of various factors like blocking your good, chemicalization or divine timing. It may however be something very simple. Something a little â€Å"getting rid of the cobwebs†can fix. If you don’t have room for your good, you need to do some Spring Cleaning. Time to Clean Up and Clear Out! Try cleaning out your personal spaces – closets,  cabinets, desks, drawers, garage, basement and gardens. Get rid of old or never worn clothes, household items, toys. If you haven’t used something or worn it in a while, let it go. You don’t need it anymore. At work throw out or store old files and half-finished projects. Doing this activity not only makes you feel fresh and revived, it helps you discover new things that you want. So often we continue to keep things that have lost their usefulness out of habit or a false sense of comfort. The wonder of this is the creation of a vacuum. Nature and the Universe hates a vacuum so now there is room for the new, fresh things that you have requested to rush into your life. Remember that when you do clean up you are digging around in old energies. So you may very well stir up old arguments or ill feelings. A warm shower washes all that far, far away. Are there people in your life that you may need to let go? Could there be friends and acquaintances that you have held on to that you suspect are not for your highest good? We have all experienced this and while it can be painful we usually see the truth of our decisions  in time. We need to be surrounded with positive, affirming â€Å"like minded†people who encourage the changes and progress we are making. Release the negative, destructive ones so you can spend less of your energy trying to make those people â€Å"fit†into your new life and attitude. Activities need to be reexamined too. Do you still feel energized by the way you spend your free time? Are you refreshed by your diversions? Maybe you need to write down some new ideas for fun and relaxation. Remember the last lesson about vacations. We all need and deserve it! While you are cleaning and clearing remember your computer. If you’re like me there are hundreds of  old emails and messages that need to go. Make room for new information and words of encouragement. By doing these simple things you will feel lighter and ready for all the Good that the Universe has to offer. Lesson 5 – Divine Timing It doesn’t matter what you want, you can have it. A new car, a home in the country, a slim trim and healthy body†¦ it can all be yours for the asking. The only thing is that you don’t get control over when you get it. That’s up to the Universe. Let’s assume you’ve diligently written down your requests. You’ve seen them in your life and then you detached, but you don’t get everything immediately. So why don’t you get everything you asked for NOW! You want it yesterday, right? What is the hold up! The hold up is you’re probably not ready. I’d like to share a very personal story about this process. I have been challenged with weight problems since our last child was born, about twenty-two years ago. When we began to write the book, â€Å"I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. †we were in a good weight loss cycle. Tom even mentions that we were lighter and healthier than ever. But as so many other times in my life, I was not able to sustain that â€Å"program†and over the next five years I lost and gained close to one hundred pounds. I felt like I was asking for this to happen in my life the right way. â€Å"I’m slim and trim and healthy. I am I am I am†is a song I sang regularly. I was following all the â€Å"rules†of enthusiasm and detachment and still the permanent weight loss alluded me. I never quit desiring this change in my life, but no matter what I did or how hard I tried, no weight loss plan worked for very long. I was embarrassed and frustrated. We were supposed to be examples of success and I felt more like a failure. Like I was doing something wrong. About a year ago I finally let this feeling go and decided I would be happy with who I am. I remember the day, vividly. It was my first day home after emergency surgery, September 11, 2001. Two wake up calls were enough for me. I was happy to be alive and I let go. Of course, once I detached the Universe could go to work. Divine Timing must have kicked in. One morning about six months later I awoke and instinctively knew that this time would be different. The energy for true and lasting weight loss was finally there. Over the course of a few weeks my support system was built. I met the people I was meant to meet and I found a system for me. The Universe provided everything that I need to succeed. The system is, pardon the expression, a cake walk. I have more energy than ever before. I approach exercise as a joy for the very first time in my memory and everyone is seeing â€Å"less of me†when we meet. Much less of me. The message that I want you to take from my example is this  Never give up on your desire, but do give up planning for it to happen on your schedule. Detach and let Diving Timing take over. We know that we have to grow and change and become the person that can handle the desires we seek. Trust the Universe to know the correct time for that to happen. Live your dreams every day. And watch for the first Bonus Lesson 6 coming tomorrow. Call: +234(0)7038710161 Bello John
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ap Bio- Lab 1: Osmosis and Diffusion
AP Biology 16 April 2013 Lab 1: Osmosis and Diffusion The purpose of this experiment is to decide which flasks correspond to the solute concentration of sucrose, which are 0. 8M, 0. 6M, 0. 4M, 0. 8M. This can be determined by the usage of potato cores. If a potato core’s mass decreases after a day soaked in the sucrose solution, then that flask will have a high concentration of sucrose. A) The first step in this lab would be cut out four cores of a potato and measure the masses of each individual potato piece. The mass of the potato core would be a variable factor in this experiment.A way that this variable can be manipulated would be each group would be assigned to a specific potato core mass. A controlled variable in this lab would be to pour a certain amount of sucrose solution from a flask into a breaker. An example would be pour 200ML from flask A into a beaker labeled A, 200ML from flask B into a beaker labeled B, and etc. Next, put 1 potato core in each beaker: A, B, C, and D. Leave the cores in the flasks for a day. After leaving the potato cores to soak in the solutions for a whole day, take out the potato cores.Measure the final mass of each potato core and record this data. Afterwards, calculate the percent change in mass. To calculate the percent change in mass, use this formula: [(mass initial – mass final) / (mass initial) ] x 100%. Measure the data results of the percent change of mass in grams. To show a visual picture of the percent change in mass, graph it. This will help in seeing the sucrose molarity among the solutions. To finish, share data with other groups and compare results among one another to obtain an average of all of the results.This will verify that the results acquired were incorrect or correct. B) My hypothesis was that if a potato core’s mass decreases after a day soaked in the sucrose solution, then that flask will have a high concentration of sucrose. Due to this, I would expect that the potato cores in the 0. 4M, 0. 6M, and 0. 8M sucrose solutions will lose mass. Considering this, the percent change in mass will be negative. In contrast, I would expect that the potato cores in the 0. 2M sucrose solution will gain mass. As a result of that happening, their percent change in mass will be positive.C) Considering the principles of osmosis and diffusion, these would be reasons on why I have these high expectations of my results. In osmosis, water moves through a selectively permeable membrane from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. This selective membrane only allows certain types of molecules to flow through while other molecules are not able to. In diffusion, molecules are in constant motion and move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. In this experiment, the potato core will act like a selectively permeable membrane.In the 0. 2M sucrose solution, the sucrose will not be able to go through the selectively permeable membrane because the sucrose molecules are too big to go through the passages of the membrane. It will, however, allow water molecules to go through the passages of the selectively permeable membrane due to diffusion. Water molecules will be able to pass the selectively permeable membrane because there will be a lower concentration of water in potato then the outside, making the water flowed into the potato core.By this happening, it would make the potato core gain mass. In the high sucrose solutions, such as the 0. 8 solution, the sucrose will still not be able to go through the selectively permeable membrane because of the size of the sucrose molecule. The factor that makes these high sucrose solutions different is the result of having a high sucrose molarity. Having a high sucrose molarity will make the water from the potato cores move out. This would ultimately make the potato cores in high sucrose solutions lose mass.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Culture Schock essays
Culture Schock essays Culture in ancient times was defined as the sum total of the equipment of the human individual, which enables him to be attuned to his immediate environment on the historical past on the other. It reflects in effect what humans have added to Nature. It comprises the spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of a society and includes, in addition to the arts and letters, the value systems, traditions, modes of life and beliefs of the society. It also absorbs from other cultures and undergoes changes with time, sometimes beneficial, sometimes regressive. (Barlas, 15). Culture shock is a severe psychological reaction that results from adjusting to the realities of a society radically different from ones own. The actual degree of culture shock may vary depending on the differences and similarities between the society studied and the persons own society. The symptoms may range from mild irritation to surprise or disgust. (Scupin, 124). Usually after the person experiencing culture shock learns the norms, beliefs, and practices of the community, the psychological disorientation of culture shock begins to diminish. This paper will be based upon culture shock and international business. There are three areas where culture shock could affect you: 1. Emotions-you have to cope with the stress of international work and keeping an emotional balance in order to perform in a business. 2. Thinking style- you have to understand how your counterparts think and be able to develop culturally effective solutions. 3. Social skills and social identity- you need effective social skills to establish new business relationships. (Marx, 25). This differs from manager to manager, some managers seem to adapt in an almost chameleon like way to different countries, whereas others cling desperately to their habits and their national approaches. Working in a new culture can produce a variety of ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Reddit Marketing Guide How to Drive Targeted Traffic - CoSchedule Blog
Reddit Marketing Guide How to Drive Targeted Traffic Blog Since you’re reading this on the internet, I’m going to assume you know what Reddit is. Even if you’re not a dedicated redditor, you probably have a general idea of what the site is all about. (If you really don’t know anything about Reddit, it’s basically a gigantic online community made up of user-generated and user-curated content.) Reddit ranks within the top 25 most-visited websites in the world, and often sees more than one million unique pageviews in a single day. Consider those last two points from a marketer’s perspective. Light bulbs going off yet? Simply put, if you go about it the right way, Reddit can be a major source of targeted traffic for your website- and ultimately lead to massive conversions. Additionally, Reddit is considered the â€Å"front page of the internet, for a reason- if your post makes it to Reddit’s homepage or to the top of a subreddit, there’s a good chance of getting coverage for your product or service or getting a link back if you’re promoting a post as a lot of influencers and publishers are scouring Reddit to find content for their own sites But, that’s a pretty big if. The thing about Reddit is, it’s not like most other social networks full of â€Å"everyday†users. While effective marketing on any social network happens when you provide serious value to the readers, because Redditors are good at spotting marketers, you better be prepared to provide serious value to the Reddit community. Redditors are good at spotting marketers, so you better be prepared to provide serious value.If it’s blatantly obvious that you’re using it just to promote your business, things aren’t going to go well for you. Not only do you face the possibility of being banned from posting within a certain area of the site (or possibly the entire site altogether), but you also run the risk of ruining your online reputation as a whole. Now, this isn’t to say that it’s impossible to generate traffic and leads by posting your own content to Reddit. But it’s not going to happen overnight, either. The following article will discuss the process you’ll need to go through in order to successfully leverage the Reddit community as a reliable source of long term - trafficas well as common pitfalls to avoid while doing so. (Sure you could skip this whole guide and bribe moderators, buy upvotes, and attempt to brigade other posts in an attempt to get your post front and center, but marketing isn’t manipulation and a strategy like this isn’t sustainable). Before We Move On, Get Your Free Reddit Blog Post Ideas Bonus Guide Supercharge your blog with Reddit. Download your free Reddit Blog Post Ideas Guide and learn how to mine the popular link sharing site to find awesome blog ideas. Reddit Marketing Guide to Driving Targeted TrafficWhy Use Reddit for Marketing? As a content marketer, becoming a redditor can benefit you in a number of ways: (As mentioned) It can help drive massive amounts of targeted traffic to your blog or website It can help you expand your audience base It can point you toward trending topics and areas of interest within your niche Let’s take a look at each of these benefits in greater detail. Recommended Reading: How to Use Reddit to Unlock Awesome Blog Post Ideas A Traffic Influx There’s no shortage of content marketers’ success stories with using Reddit to drive traffic to a specific website. Eddy Azar’s website went from 41 to 4,266 visitors a day overnight after he posted a single link to a post on his site. (Source / Caption: Can’t argue with results.) Ryan Stewart discovered how to leverage Reddit to grow his traffic numbers by over 1,000 visitors (an increase of about 33%). And Travis Levell also gained almost 1,000 site visitors after posting a link to an article he’d written- and he posted it pretty much on a whim. Recommended Reading: 14 Time-Tested Tactics to Get Tons of Traffic From Social Media But there’s more to these examples than just traffic stats. After posting on Reddit: Eddy’s Medium following grew from zero to over 14,000 in one month Ryan now uses Reddit to generate the majority of his traffic Travis earned over 600 signups for a brand new offering in the two weeks after posting So, not only did posting on Reddit help these guys get more eyes on their site, but it also helped them gain a larger following, and provide them the potential to grow their business. And that’s because†¦ Reddit Makes It Easy to Target Highly-Qualified Audience Members Reddit is made up of thousands and thousands of â€Å"subreddits†, which are forums dedicated to a specific topic or idea. Subreddit topics can be fairly general (such as /r/science or /r/gaming), or they can be ultra-specific (â€Å"Squirrels eating unconventional things†). Yes, we’re serious. Source: There are also subreddits dedicated to educating the community in some way or another. On /r/explainlikeimfive/, members share simplified explanations of complex topics. On /r/todayilearned, people discuss interesting factoids they had never known before. What this means for you as a marketer is you can almost certainly find at least one (and, more likely, numerous) subreddits full of individuals who align perfectly with your ideal customer personas. As mentioned in the previous section, seeing an influx in traffic is one thing. Knowing that the new visitors to your site are champing at the bit to engage with you is another. Recommended Reading: 30 Social Media Engagement Tactics That Will Boost Shares and Conversions Reddit Uncovers Industry Trends as They Happen If something worth knowing is happening in your industry, you can bet Reddit’s members will be on top of it. Even if you’re just lurking through subreddits and not actively looking to generate traffic at the time, you can still glean valuable insight regarding: Your customers’ pain points Validate market demand for your product or service New technologies in your industry News and events that could change the way your company operates The information you discover while browsing through your favorite subreddits can lead you to create new blog posts, fine-tune your marketing strategies, and better understand your customers. In this way, using Reddit can even indirectly affect your business in a positive manner. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Blog Writing Process to Create Killer Posts How to Use Data to Fuel Your Content Marketing Strategy How to Find Your Target Audience and Create the Best Content Can You Build Instant Karma? We mentioned earlier that using Reddit to generate traffic is a fairly involved process (that’s totally worth the effort, mind you). So before we dig into the nitty-gritty of how to leverage Reddit to grow your business, we need to discuss karma. Reddit’s karma system essentially measures your reputation as a redditor. You can gain (or lose) karma in two different areas: the links you post, and the comments you make on posts. It might take you a while to reach this level of Reddit epicness. Source: While the number of upvotes and the timeframe those votes happen in a major part of how Reddit’s ranking algorithm works, karma is an important aspect of achieving success on Reddit. Basically, you can think of karma as a means to an end. The higher your karma level, the more respect you’ll gain from the Reddit population (Also, some subreddits won’t even allow you to post links until you reach a certain level of karma). The more respect you have from the population, the more likely they are to trust you when you eventually begin posting your own content. The more you are trusted, the more likely Redditors will give you an upvote (assuming whatever you are posting is epic), even if it’s self-promotional. #Reddit Tip: The more you are trusted, the more likely Redditors will give you an upvote:Though whether you gain or lose karma is technically up to other users, the general rules are: Posting valuable content, providing insightful commentary, and offering an overall positive experience will result in good karma. Acting selfishly, being rude, trolling, and begging for upvotes or clicks will lead to bad karma. As alluded to earlier, one of the biggest no-no’s when it comes to posting on Reddit is this: Do not use Reddit solely to promote your own content. Redditors will see through you immediately, and, as mentioned earlier, will use any opportunity they can get to expose you to the community. (You eventually will have the opportunity to promote your content, but we’ll get to that in a bit.) Do NOT use #reddit solely to promote your own content. Do this instead:Using Reddit to Drive Traffic Okay, now we’re ready to dive into the actual process of using Reddit to drive traffic to your site. In this section, we’ll discuss the following: Picking the right subreddits to focus on Becoming a valued member of the community Posting your content The logistics behind posting on Reddit Advertising potential on Reddit Let’s get started. Picking the Right Subreddits As we’ve discussed, there are literally thousands of subreddits to check out. Of course, not all of them are relevant to your industry. But there are likely dozens (at least) that are. But, even if a subreddit is relevant to your industry, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be the best place to focus your efforts. An incredibly small sample of the list of Reddit communities. Source: Before you begin actually browsing through possible subreddits to join, ask yourself the following questions: What, specifically, are your areas of expertise? What value are you aiming to provide your audience? What are your target audience members interested in? The answers to these questions will help you narrow down exactly which subreddits will help you achieve your goal of driving more traffic to your website. Without considering these questions, you run the risk of focusing on a subreddit that, as it turns out, doesn’t provide the much in terms of mutual value. To find potential subreddits to join, search Reddit for keywords your target audience would use to search for your product or service. You’ll almost certainly be given a laundry list of subreddits to check out, some of which you’ll be able to screen out immediately. (Note: you can browse through the following list to find the top 5,000 subreddits). If you live in the US, the second result probably isn’t for you. Source: Once you’ve generated a decent-sized list of possible subreddits to hone in on, browse through them to get a good idea of: How many subscribers each subreddit has The most talked-about topics and types of content that have been posted within the past month How active the community is in terms of posting and generating discussion Popular opinions held throughout the community Specific etiquette and rules for that subreddit Some of the rules for posting on /r/todayilearned. Source: Regarding the last two points, each subreddit is a community unto itself. Taking certain actions or making certain comments that might be acceptable in one subreddit may not be so well-received in another. #Reddit Tip: Actions or comments acceptable in one subreddit may not be well-received in another.If it’s not immediately clear where the community stands on a hot-button issue, dig deeper until you know for sure. Otherwise, you’ll come off looking like an outsider, and will almost certainly lose karma points in the process. Consider using a spreadsheet to keep track of what’s acceptable to post where. Source: Getting â€Å"In†With the Community Once you’ve joined a good amount of subreddits, and have learned as much as possible about the nuances of each, you’ll be ready to get involved. But this doesn’t mean you should start posting your own content just yet. Instead, begin by joining in the major discussions being held in the comments sections of the more popular posts. But don’t just offer canned responses. A run-of-the-mill comment might not necessarily result in bad karma. But it won’t get you any positive points, either. In other words, if your comment is boring and cookie-cutter, you might as well not say anything at all. On the other hand, an insightful comment full of facts, examples, or links to further reading will not only earn the respect of the community, but it will also keep the conversation flowing. Go out of your way to be helpful for good karma. Source: If you happen to disagree with a comment someone else posted, that’s fine- as long as you’re respectful about it. Not only should you be respectful, but you also should back up your claims with (as mentioned above) facts, examples, and other documentation. Again, the point of commenting is to further the discussion, even if that means offering counterpoints and rebuttals. Another thing to consider when putting yourself â€Å"out there†on Reddit is the hivemind aspect of the community. Essentially, this refers to the fact that a good percentage of redditors in a community will blanketly agree or disagree with you based on whether or not you’re â€Å"going along with the herd.†In other words, be careful when posting counterpoints (even when justifiably warranted), as you might end up getting down-voted for reasons other than the quality of your comment. Whether you agree or disagree, it never hurts to give kudos to others for voicing their opinion (and working hard to back it up). This extra bit of generosity can go a long way toward earning you a positive reputation within a subreddit, making it easier for others to trust that you’re there for the good of the community as a whole. Once you’ve interacted with other community members enough to start gaining some karma (and possibly making connections), you can then begin actually posting content. But not your own. Instead, share resources such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, and infographics that will contribute to the on-going conversations in the community. By sharing content which you have zero stake in, you’ll further the notion that you’re there to provide value to the community, not just gain publicity for yourself. Note that you should only share content if it will truly provide value to the community. In other words, don’t post dozens of links hoping a handful will resonate with other members. In the same way you (hopefully) don’t share every meme you come across with your friends on Facebook, be prudent when it comes to sharing resources in your targeted subreddits. Also, stay away from controversy as best you can. Yes, you want to get noticed within the community, but you don’t want to be known as a rabble rouser. Even if the content you’re thinking of sharing is insightful and possibly valuable, if it’s too opinionated you run the risk of alienating a good amount of the community. Once you’ve become a valued member of the community, it’s time to start sharing your own content and generating traffic to your site. Posting Your Own Content on Reddit Now that you’ve built a reputation for yourself as an active redditor who cares about your industry and community, you can start sharing your own content. Regarding the actual content you share, follow the tried-and-true rules for creating epic content you’ve (hopefully) always followed. At this stage, the importance of sharing incredibly valuable content of your own is essential. Of all the content you’ve shared during your time engaged with the community, you want your own to be the absolute best of the best. Recommended Reading: The 6 Types of Social Media Content That Will Give You the Greatest Value The content you share could be posts you’ve written previously - as long as it’s in-line with currently-trending topics in the subreddit. If the discussion steers toward a topic you’ve already written about (and your post meets the highest standard of quality), toss it out there for others to check out. You can also leverage the on-going discussions within your community and create new content that goes along with it. Use the skyscraper technique to transform a so-so post into an absolute masterpiece. Provide information that supplements another user’s epic content. Or go against the grain and offer up a longform rebuttal. You might be wondering if it’s acceptable to post the same piece of content in multiple subreddits. The answer is â€Å"yes, with a ‘but.’†Begin by posting the link to the most appropriate subreddit (i.e., the one that prompted you to think of your content in the first place). Then, when posting to similar subreddits that would also get value from your content, include the phrase â€Å"[posted from /r/originalsubredditname]†in the subject line. Without this addendum, your multiple posts will look like spam to anyone who sees them in more than one spot. Now that you’ve begun sharing your own content, there are a few things to note: Don’t force it. You have a much better chance of gaining traction by posting articles that relate to the current topic than you do by posting something that came out of left field. Don’t stop posting other people’s content. The community will figure out your intentions if you start posting links only to your own site. Don’t beg for upvotes or clicks. The other community members don’t owe you anything. If they like your content, they’ll check it out. Tip: Remember, just because you’re now at the stage of posting your own content doesn’t mean you can go back to marketing yourself. Being a part of the Reddit community is about providing value, not promoting your business. Logistics Behind Posting Content on Reddit These last pieces of advice will probably sound pretty familiar: When posting content to Reddit, make sure it’ll get in front of the most eyes as possible, and make sure the title begs to be clicked. Because Reddit’s massive community is active throughout the world, there’s no single optimal time to post your content. However, you can use Later for Reddit’s Subreddit Traffic Analysis tool to figure out the best time to post on a specific subreddit. This tool requires you have a ballpark idea of how many upvotes you believe your content will get, assuming you post at the best possible time. For example, if you think you’ll get 50 upvotes, you might want to set the Vote Threshold at around 20-25. The best time to post on /r/science seems to be 8:00am on Wednesday mornings. Source: While it’s possible to post at a less-than-optimal time and still see your fair share of upvotes, it’s best to get your content out there when you know the most people are looking - for two reasons: The human factor. The more recent the link, the fresher (and more-clickable) it will appear in the eyes of your audience. Reddit’s ranking algorithm. Newer stories are inherently scored higher than older ones. If your subreddit sees more than a few dozen posts per day, your content will easily get buried if you post at an inopportune time. One thing worth noting here is, you really only need to worry about the time you post when posting your own content. Feel free to post other people’s content whenever you feel (as long as you follow the guidelines we set above). If only a small amount of people see those posts, it’s a no-harm-no-foul situation. On the other hand, if you post your own content and nobody sees it, you’ve wasted an opportunity. Moving along, you also want to make sure your headline attracts as many viewers as possible. Similar to when creating the perfect headline for a blog post, you want to take time to craft a headline for your Reddit post that intrigues your audience and tells them what they’ll get out of clicking through to the full article. As should be clear by now, redditors are well-versed in all things internet. They’ve seen every clickbait headline known to man. Don’t do it. No matter how valuable your full piece is, no self-respecting redditor will click something with the phrase â€Å"you won’t believe what happened next!†in it. Use clickbait, and you can expect to get downvotedwhether your audience members actually clicked on your post or not. Recommended Reading: How to Write Headlines that Drive Traffic, Shares, and Search Results What About Advertising on Reddit? All throughout this article, we’ve made it a point to drill home the fact that coming across as a marketer on Reddit is all but a death sentence for your company. So how are you supposed to get away with actually posting paid advertisements on the site? Well, the reason we left this for last is because you need to make sure you’ve done everything else right up until the point that you begin thinking about posting ads on Reddit. Once you’ve been accepted into a subreddit community, you at least have a bit of leverage when it comes to selling your products or services to other community members. (Who would you trust more with your money in the real world: a long-time town resident who you’ve known and respected for years, or the new guy who just moved in last week from parts unknown?) As long as you’re fully confident that you won’t face backlash from posting an ad to your most-frequented subreddit, it’s worth giving it a go. The three ways you can go about advertising on Reddit are: Sponsored Posts: These will be pinned to the top of the subreddit of your choice at a cost of $0.75 CPM (with a minimum purchase amount of $5). You can choose to either post link to external content, or to a full-length text post on that subreddit. Display Ads: If your advertising budget can handle it, display ads on Reddit work just as they do on any other site - with one addition: users can seamlessly upvote and downvote your ad, and even generate discussions about them, as well. To post these type of ads, you’ll need to speak directly with the Reddit team (rather than simply fill out billing info). Sponsored QA: Similar to Reddit’s famous (or infamous) Ask Me Anything sessions, sponsored question and answer forums allow you to set up a specific time in which you’ll provide answers to your target audience’s burning questions regarding your product, service, or industry as a whole. Again, to set up a sponsored QA session, you’ll need to collaborate with the Reddit team to determine how long you’d like the session to last, and which subreddits the session will be posted to. When actually creating content to be advertised on Reddit, the ground rules remain the same: Provide ultimate value: As we’ve said time and again, redditors hate marketers - unless you can truly provide them something that will drastically improve their lives in one way or another. If there’s ever a time to share the absolute best you have to offer, this is it. Be real: Be honest with your intentions: you have something of value to sell, and you want your community to know about it. Also, be personable and true to your audience. If you truly are a part of the community, others will likely be more than happy to share their hard-earned cash with you if they trust you’ll give them something incredible in return. Learn from the experience: If you take the leap into advertising on Reddit and it doesn’t go as well as you’d hoped, don’t turn tail and run. Address your audience’s concerns, respond to negative comments, and figure out what you can do better the next time. Redditors want to know their voices are being heard; if you tweak your campaigns to fit their needs, they’ll most likely forget all about the negative experiences of the past. Even if you do see success with advertising on Reddit, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Continue to share other content as you normally would, and reserve paid posts for when you have a major announcement to make, such as a product release or change in services provided. Ready to Start Driving Traffic With Reddit? If you’ve never actually used Reddit before, you might be under the misconception that it’s all memes and silliness. While it certainly has its fair share of ridiculous content, Reddit can also be an incredible source for marketers and entrepreneurs in terms of generating traffic and staying up with current industry trends. Now, all that’s left is for you to start building up that karma.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Care planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Care planning - Essay Example Hall et al. suggests that individualized and nursing care plans should be developed and these plans are ways of improving service user recovery (Hall et al., 2013). Despite care plans being an important tool in delivering health care services, the health care professionals often misunderstand them and the administration treats them as an extra task (Norman et al., 2009). According to Norman et al. (2009) during practice challenges occur during the implementation of care plan that is focused and personalized in compliance with individual service user needs. For example a service user may be acutely ill at the time of admission. During admission, it may be hard for the nurses to initiate individualized care because the service user may not be in the right mental state and may not be able to provide insight for the development of his/her care plan. Furthermore, the environment of acute mental health settings is very busy, there is lack of staff and unforeseen events might occur. This environment may negatively impact therapeutic engagement with service users and may even hamper individualized care planning with (Cleary et al., 2012). This essay examines the evidence that supports/reflects best practice in respect to care planning in acute setting and this essay focuses on devising a strategy for introducing best practice. The strategy will be developed while consideration factors those are likely to assist and hinder the implementation of evidence-based practice. According to a report published by Department of Health (2011) nursing care plans are central components of nursing services that are delivered to the service users. Research suggests that in developing and planning care plans for service users, nurses should adopt the provision of individualized care that is personalized to the needs of the user (Department of Health, 2011). According to Butterworth (2012), the focus of this approach is to involve service users and see things from their
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