Writing college level essays
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Public Health Promotion Strategy Free Essays
General Health Promotion Strategy of Lhuntse Introduction Public wellbeing is the main goal of a country as wellbeing is the central need to man. As per the American Public Health Association, APHA(2001), general wellbeing as the act of forestalling infections and advancing great wellbeing inside gatherings of individuals from little networks to whole nations. The elements of general wellbeing incorporate forestalling pestilences, observing wellbeing status of the populace, creating arrangements and laws to ensure wellbeing, giving medicinal services benefits no matter what and all exercises identified with profiting open and their wellbeing. We will compose a custom paper test on General Health Promotion Strategy or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Bhutan, inside the limits of China in the north and India in the south, was a slow developer in to advancement. Presently, 90% of the populace approaches fundamental medicinal services administrations conveyed through a system of 29 emergency clinics, 176 Basic Health Units and 541 effort centers. Of the twenty Dzongkhags or areas in Bhutan, Lhuentse dzongkhag is one of the least created with eight gewogs. â€Å"Most of the towns are still in available with absence of streets and power. one emergency clinic, 11 Basic Health Units and 31 Outreach centers render general wellbeing administrations in the dzongkhag. About half of the families approach channeled drinking water gracefully. †(Ninth multi year plan, Bhutan, n. d). This paper intends to concentrate on examining the general wellbeing segment situation in the specific dzongkhag and improving it. Motivation behind the activity plan Purpose of the activity plan is to advance different factors, for example, followings †¢To improve maternal social insurance, it is extremely fundamental to give sound way of wellbeing administrations to improve maternal medicinal services to make pregnancy safe. Mother’s instruction, Mother’s training is the essential information on child rearing. †¢To Improvement in food gracefully and sanitation, upgrades in food flexibly and sanitation will prompt increment life ranges and diminish illness. Activities taken by the wellbeing administrations, for example, clean drinking water flexibly and cleanliness straightforwardly help in progress in food gracefully and sanitation. †¢ To Reduce in Poverty, to make decrease in destitution line . To Change expectation for everyday comforts, with the improvement occurring in the nation, expectation for everyday comforts of the individuals has been quickly changed. General medical problems and Concerns †¢Lhuentse Dzongkhags has the worry over the issues identified with general wellbeing as follows; †¢As the grimness among the youngsters under multi year old enough and every pregnant lady and ladies in kid bearing age was accounted to , Male-767 and Female-642. (PHCB, pg. 191). †¢The number of conveyances of the new conceived babies went to by wellbeing experts was †90 pregnant ladies, while, the quantity of deliverie not went to was recorded to - 231 cases as noted in (PHCB, pg. 04). †¢According to PHCB, 2005,The Dzongkhag has likewise noticed the expansion in the quantity of cripples that was numbered to 990 individuals and most were impaired to seeing that was recorded to-327 individuals. (PHCB,pg. 211) †¢Most of the individuals in the Dzongkhag had constrained access to safe drinking water with the record of 253 family units having channeled water inside house and 2377 families having funneled water outside hous e. (PHCB, pg. 222) 5. The individuals in the Dzongkhag had restricted acces to fundamental wellbeing office of appropriate can. As, 2143 family units had the openness to pit toilet and 423 families had no lavatories by any stretch of the imagination (PHCB, pg. 241). The issues additionally incorporates, †¢Maternal and youngster wellbeing †¢The absence of sustenance in the eating regimen prompting lack of healthy sustenance †¢Outbreak of irresistible illnesses †¢The high liquor utilization prompting increment in liquor related infections (Liver cirrhosis). General Health Promotion Strategy Their systems put accentuation on progress ofquality of administrations, improvement of human and institutional limit, and decentralization with center around country get to. 1. Upgrade the nature of wellbeing administrations To improve the nature of administrations and further solidify the framework. Normalization and quality affirmation, concentrating on indicative and mending angles, and utilization of proper innovation. 2. To arrive at the blocked off populace There are still populace bunches who are not reached agreeably by the wellbeing administrations. Considering the entirety of the issues and factors, Out Reach Clinics (ORCs) have been developed and sorted out. 3. Reinforce customary medication framework The conventional medication framework is being fortified with the accentuation on human asset advancement through the Institute of Traditional Medicine. This has likewise been remembered for the common wellbeing administrations at the clinic. The limit and profitability of the Pharmaceutical Units have been expanded. Step by step instructions to refer to Public Health Promotion Strategy, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Public transport Essay
The rising degrees of blockage and air contamination found in the vast majority of the world urban communities can be ascribed straightforwardly to the quickly expanding number of private vehicles being used. So as to turn around this decrease in the personal satisfaction in urban communities, endeavors must be made to urge individuals to utilize their vehicles less and open vehicle more. Talk about potential approaches to empower the utilization of open vehicle. You ought to compose in any event 250 words. In a universe of expanding ecological mindfulness improved open vehicle speaks to the method of things to come. In spite of the fact that individuals do appreciate the comfort and security of going in their own private vehicles, as I would like to think they may pick open vehicle on the off chance that it satisfies certain conditions. These conditions fall into three general classes: attitudinal, budgetary and strategic. From an attitudinal point of view, individuals should initially be persuaded of the advantages of open transportation. An instructive or advertising effort must be propelled to sharpen the individuals who may have ignored this chance previously. Individuals ought to be acclimated with the natural, social and individual advantages for present and people in the future. This is one stage. From a money related viewpoint, open transportation must be a reasonable and practical advantage to purchasers. As it were, it must be more reasonable than heading to work each day. For instance, if individuals realize that by utilizing transport and metro, they can set aside enough cash to take a free occasion every year, a lot more people would be convinced to go along these lines. This is another basic advance. From a strategic point of view, open transportation ought to be advantageous for suburbanites. City organizers and transport authorities must guarantee that visit and solid open transportation is accessible for every resident. For individuals to make the propensity for going by transport or tram, they should realize that they will have the option to get to different places on schedule. Transport vehicles must be very much kept up, tram and transport drivers ought to be client arranged and administration must be timely and productive. This is an extra significant advance. Taking everything into account, through a multi-pronged methodology, it is conceivable to expand the utilization of open transportation. City authorities and legislators can lead the path by using these types of transport themselves and achieving change through close to home model. At that point, more residents will stick to this same pattern and we may all plan to live in a cleaner, less dirtied condition.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Its snowing! again. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Its snowing! again. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog We dont have much to complain about since New York has not been hit with as much snow as other parts of the country this winter. But when we are hit with another blizzard, we groan because chances are were going to school or work in it. Of course, we all look forward to snow days (when schools are closed) so we can catch up at home instead of treading our way through snow mountains and slippery roads. Not to mention all the wet grit and grim from the streets. Gross! But snow days are rare in New York City. So needless to say, its snowing (A LOT) but were not closed; no snow day for us. But we are here to support our students who have also made their way to campus. Although its not easy to move around with all this snow, New Yorkers always find a way to get where we must go. Our students who move here from other parts of the world, also quickly learn how to get from uptown to/from the boroughs in all conditions. It means we plan a little more efficiently and were mor e resourceful And thank goodness for one of the more reliable mass transit systems. With no where to go today and probably very few visitors (because who would risk coming to Columbia in this storm besides us and all our dedicated faculty and students), well have more uninterrupted time to review applications. Well begin releasing admission decisions for our two-year MIA/MPA/MPA-DP programs in mid-March so theres not much time to finish reviewing all the applications weve received for fall 2014 consideration. Thats all I have for today (sorry its not as enlightening) my head is in the applications. and the snow storm happening outside my windowless office. Travel safely where ever you may be. a view of Columbia University Low Library entrance to Columbia University Morningside campus
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Death Of Hektor And The Destruction Of Troy - 937 Words
The death of Hektor and the destruction of Troy were solely caused by his own pride. His refusal to the surrender, which would protect him and most importantly the whole town of Troy, demonstrated his unimaginable selfish behavior. Instead of protecting Troy, Hektor, without hesitation, picked to fight in order to prove his superiority. . This is an example of how one s life can be demolished if pride and honor is prioritized. Hektor acquiesced his whole life to a strong desire for honor, which was implanted in his head by his parents. Oppositions towards my personal beliefs are made by associates from church. Very Slavic beliefs are still heavily implied in the surrounding society and the tendency for Russian people to stick together and then establish similar views increases. . Relying on the support of others, emphasis isn t placed on the careers of my friends. Females rely on males for financial support, thus losing their independence. The man is the main provider and source of income in the house , is a common Slavic belief that restricts the actions of women. The common role of women is to spend time at home raising the children that is why a career is irrelevant. In many ways, it is considered wrong and embarrassing if a female is more financially stable than a male. There is a common belief stating that marriage is the highlight of one’s life. Marriage is considered something honorable and hard to achieve, which is why some will go to such extent as toShow MoreRelatedThe Theme of Family in Books 6 and 24 in Homer’s Iliad.1017 Words  | 5 PagesFamily is very important in Books 6 and 24, but it is also one of the main themes throughout the Iliad. Book 1 begins with the vengeance taken by a father who has lost his daughter. The leaders of the Greeks are brothers, and Achilles’s revenge against Hektor is caused by the loss of the brotherly love of Patroklos. And even amongst the gods, the allegiances to the Greeks or the Trojans is decided along family lines. Artemis is on the side of the Trojans because her brother Apollo sides with them. ThisRead MoreThose Who Exalt Themselves : The Pride Of Hektor Essay1641 Words  | 7 PagesPride of Hektor I. Introduction While pride is a vice that is often frowned upon in modern cultures, it occupied a vastly different place in ancient Greek culture. Indeed, it was often inextricably tied to their concept of glory and heroism. Be as that may, Homer, in The Iliad of Homer, despite it being one of the most well-known pieces of ancient Greek literature, portrays pride in a more negative light than was the norm of his time. Pride in the Iliad most often causes much destruction and endsRead MoreEssay on Achilles1020 Words  | 5 Pagesthe character Achilles is one of the major foci of the story. His actions of lack of actions have enormous effects upon how the plot unfolds. Starting with the fight with Agamemnon and his withdrawal from the battle, to the death of Patroklos, and finally to the slaying of Hektor, Achilles and his emotions decide the fate of many Greek and Trojan warriors. It is his struggle against his anger, pride, loyalty, and love that make this poem one of a tragic nature, rather th an just a gruesome account ofRead MoreAndromaches Lamentations In The Iliad Analysis1624 Words  | 7 Pages Throughout the Iliad lamentations provide eulogies of heroic figures, which praise their past deeds and individual traits, often through the expression of a speaker’s personal feelings and attachment. When Hektor dies, however, Andromache delivers lamentations that deviate from the trend of other lamentations in the Iliad. Andromache’s lamentations are future-oriented instead of being rooted in the past, and deliver narratives about the future of Hektor’s family and the Trojans rather than displayingRead MoreThe Epic Of The Trojan War Essay2260 Words  | 10 PagesWar help people realize the illimitable rules of life. The story of Prince Paris of Troy and Princess Helen, the once before wife of Sparta’s King Menelaus, exemplified true love and gruesome war tactics. As a result of this war, many lives were lost but the relentless Grecians eventually triumphed after ten long, vicious years of battle. The colossal war raged between Grecians and Trojans, on the distant land of Troy, and has grabbed imagination around the world for eras. Some accounts show the warRead MorePast Beliefs On Marriage Is Changed By Influence Of My Parents1225 Words  | 5 Pagesconforming influenced by my parents are similar to the ones of Hektor in the Iliad. As a result of respect towards my parentsand tendency to please them I end up submitting to their opinions. Similarly, Hektor was raised in an environment where respect for parents was mandatory. Therefore, he knew nothing else but to honor his parents wholeheartedly. Priam and Hà ©kabe envisioned Hektor growing up striving for honor during his entire life. Thus, Hektor s parents transformed him from a small careless boy intoRead MoreThe Conforming Influenced By My Parents1225 Words  | 5 Pagesconforming influenced by my parents are similar to the ones of Hektor in the Iliad. As a result of respect towards my parents, I tend to want to please them and end up submitting to their opinions. Simi larly, Hektor was raised in an environment where respect for parents was mandatory. Therefore, he knew nothing else but to honor his parents wholeheartedly. Priam and Hà ©kabe envisioned Hektor growing up striving for honor during his entire life. Hektor s parents transformed him from a small careless boy intoRead MoreThe Iliad by Homer1383 Words  | 6 Pagesjuxtaposes the very specific, emotional, and individualized scene of Achilleus’s grief with the creation of the all-encompassing image which Hehpaistos forges on his shield. Towards the beginning of the book, when Achilleus learns of Patroklos’s death from Nestor’s son Antiolchos, Homer depicts an intense scene of sorrow as he writes, â€Å"The black cloud of sorrow closed on Achilleus. In both hands he caught up the grimy dust, and poured it over his head and face, and fouled his handsome countenanceRead MoreGlory And Honor : Honor And Glory1798 Words  | 8 Pageshonor and glory in all their var ied forms. Glory and honor spark a decade-long war that costs the lives of countless men, and direct its progression at every turn. The destruction of Troy is â€Å"a thing... whose glory shall perish never (Lattimore, Book II.324)†. The hope for many Greek warriors is the fame that remains beyond physical death; the honor of individuals guided most thoughts and decisions. Glory and honor establish heroes and their identities, and are the foundations for the developments thatRead MoreHelen Of Troy1455 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Helen of Troy In Greek mythology, Helen of Troy, also known as Helen of Sparta, was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, and was a sister of Castor, Pollux, and Clytemnestra. In Greek myths, she was considered the most beautiful woman in the world. By marriage she was Queen of Laconia, a province within Homeric Greece, the wife of King Menelaus. Her abduction by Paris, Prince of Troy, brought about the Trojan War. Elements of her putative biography come from classical authors such as Aristophanes, Cicero
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Steps in the Business Buying-Decision Process Free Essays
First process is problem recognition in which someone in the company recognizes a problem or need that can be met by acquiring a good or service. It can result from internal (a machine break down and need new parts) and external stimuli (buyer receive a call from a salesperson who offers a better machine or a lower price). Next stage is general need description in which a buyer describes the general characteristics and quantity of a needed item. We will write a custom essay sample on The Steps in the Business Buying-Decision Process or any similar topic only for you Order Now An example, for complex items, the buyer needs to work with others-engineers, users, consultants to define the item. Third step is product specification. The buying organization decides on and specifies the best technical product characteristics for a needed item by using product value analysis. Supplier search is another step in which the buyer tries to find the best vendors. They can compile a small list of qualified suppliers by reviewing trade directories, doing computer searches, or phoning other companies for recommendations. Another stage is proposal solicitation. In this stage the buyer invites qualified suppliers to submit proposals. Business marketers must be skilled in researching, writing, and presenting proposals in response to buyer proposal solicitation. Next step is supplier selection in which the buyer reviews proposals and selects a supplier or suppliers. The buying center often will draw up a list of the desired supplier attributes (product and service quality, reputation) and their relative importance. Order-routine specification is the next step of business buying-decision process. the buyer writes the final order with the chosen supplier(s), listing the technical specifications, quantity needed, expected time of delivery, return policies, and warranties. Final stage is performance review in which the buyer assesses the performance of the supplier and decides to continue, modify, or drop the arrangement. The seller’s job is to monitor the same factors used by the buyer to make sure that the seller is giving the expected satisfaction. How to cite The Steps in the Business Buying-Decision Process, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Narrative Report for Ojt free essay sample
Sky Cable sell their products such as SkyCable, SkyBroadband, SkyVoice, IWantV and among others and they are also a service provider of cable television, broadband internet, VoIP, digital cable and many more. Historical Background Since it started community antenna television system operation in the Philippines on January 26, 1992, SkyCable provides cable Internet, VoIP services and digital cable TV service. On June 6, 1990, SkyCable Corporation was incorporated via 79. 3% stake in Sky Vision Corporation, operator of cable brands, SkyCable and Sun Cable. On April 18, 1991, Sky Vision Corporation was incorporated and ventures into cable television (SkyCable and Sun Cable), communication, system, television media, shopping network. It is owned 18. 8% by ABS-CBN Corporation and 78% by Lopez Inc. On March 30, 1995, Central CATV Inc. was granted a 25-year provisional franchise to establish, construct, maintain and operated community antenna television system in the Philippines through Republic Act 7969. In 1997, Sky Vision Corporation acquired 47% of Pilipino Cable Corp. , operator of Sun Cable for P900 million. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative Report for Ojt or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1997, SkyCable launches its first cable TV branded credit card in the Philippines, the SkyCard Mastercard with SolidBank and the SkyCard-Citibank Mastercard with Citibank N. A. In 2001, Benpress Holdings Inc. and Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company signed a master consolidation agreement for SkyCable Corporation to consolidate its interest. In July 2001, Unilink Communications Corp. operator of Home Cable, Philippines second largest cable TV company, merged its CATV operation to SkyCable and created Beyond Cable Inc. with an enterprise value of P14. 5 billion. Beyond Cable Inc. ontrols 66. 5% through Benpress Holdings Corp. and 33. 5% through MediaQuest Holdings, Inc. On December 7, 2001, Beyond Cable Holdings Inc. was incorporated. In May 2011, Singaporean firm STT Communications Pte. Ltd. acquired 40 percent of SkyCable through Philippine Depositary Receipts worth P3. 612 billion and P250 million of convertible notes to fund the expansion of SkyCableâ€℠¢s broadband Internet and cable TV services. Vision Sky Cable will provide the best for their families by: 1. Being the national leader in video, voice and data. 2. Being recognized for outstanding customer service. 3. Being an employer of choice. 4. Becoming a publicly listed, employee-owned company. Mission Enriching and uplifting the lives of Filipino families through communication, education and entertainment. Values C – A – R – O – T + I * Customer Focus * Accountability * Results Orientation * Ownership * Teamwork * Integrity Customer Focus Their business exists because of their customers. They know their customers, internal or external, their needs and wants, and how these can be met and satisfied. They review performance based on how best they have met their customers’ requirements. Accountability They understand their roles and responsibilities as individuals and members of a team. They have performance objectives and expectations in the attainment of company goals. Management ensures that everyone takes accountability for daily decisions and actions to meet expected results. Results Orientation They commit to deliver results. They ensure that proper processes are done without losing sight of results expected of them. Management recognizes efforts and rewards achievement when company performance goals are exceeded. Ownership They know their company, its products, services, its systems, its vision and values. They share the company’s successes and shortfalls. They value initiatives. They strive for excellence because they owe it to theirselves and to the company. They do not settle for being average; they go the â€Å"extra mile†. Teamwork They understand and accept individualities and the value of each person’s effort and contribution. They work as a team because they believe that much more can be accomplished by working together. They trust and openly communicate with each other. They are willing to share responsibilities. They are Team SkyCable. Integrity They perform their jobs with deep sense of honesty, transparency and integrity. They are consistent with their word (â€Å"walk the talk†) and adhere to the highest ethical standards and professional conduct. They comply with established rules and regulations. They do not lie, steal or cheat for personal gains. - ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Sky Cable Central (Main) Organizational Structure MARKETING SALES FRONTLINE PROGRAMMING OPERATIONS RESEARCH amp; PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ITamp;T amp; ABS FINANCE HROD amp; Admin OFFICE OF THE COO OPERATIONS SUPPORT Pilipino Cable Corporation – Sky Cable Tagum Organizational Structure OIC amp; OM Area Ancillary amp; Prod Manager INTERN Managing Director Area Director IT Officer CSR Area HR Manager Area Finance amp; Accounting Manager Area Engineering Manager - FUNCTION OF THE OFFICE ASSIGNED Budget Functions Finance, together with the Administrator, plans, directs and coordinates the formulation, preparation, execution, review and analysis of the county’s operating budget and operating program. It also monitors budget appropriations and actual expenditures to ensure compliance with the law. The Finance Director and other administration officials inform the BOC on budgetary and long-range planning matters. The finance department works very closely with all department heads and elected officials and gathers information to create and maintain the annual budget. Accounting Functions To provide financial reporting, bank reconciliations, transactional journal entries, adjusting journal entries, ancillary schedules and record keeping, fixed asset management, substantive balance sheet analysis, audit preparation including auditor required schedules and analysis, grant compliance and reporting, compliance with all areas of generally accepted accounting principles and their governing bodies. Accounts Payable Functions Records and makes payment of expenditures for each department and each fund within the County . The accounts payable area maintains a system of accounts to  accumulate, classify, and report on the financial activities of the Countys various funds and departments. The system provides for the proper accounting of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenditures which facilitates the preparation of financial reports to be submitted to the Board of Commissioners as well as the federal amp; state governments. Revenue Functions Review all sources of revenue to ensure timely receipt. Revenue is responsible for producing invoices for county receivables, coordinating the deposit of cash receipts, identifying and accounting for all funds received, auditing of customer invoices to ensure revenue is billed, monitor key data as it moves through processes and systems to ensure integrity in reported results, identify opportunities for improving billing and/or possible disconnection of services, work with multiple departments to resolve issues. The revenue department is also responsible for meter reading, billing, and accounts receivable for the water department. EMS billing is also monitored by the Revenue Coordinator. - OBSERVATIONS, COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Observations and Comments As to their hospitality, no problem with it because their employees are very humble with regards to their co-employees and also to us interns especially to their customers. As to their system of accounting, it is not well organized enough and there are some of the accounts that are usually misplaced and are missing. With regards to workplace, their office is very limited in space, sometimes or most of the times their office is messy because their office is newly transferred, and is not comfortable for the employees. They are also lack of office equipments/supplies that lead to inconvenience of work. They are also good in dealing with other people through their customer service sector. They are also treating us interns as their regular employees. As to our supervisor, she directs us before she will give tasks to us, but the problem is, her instructions are not so clear enough to understand that’s why we keep on asking her on what to do. In conclusion, I observed that their company is well good. Recommendations Based on my observations, I recommend that if there are transactions that really need to be private, they should keep it because it is not good to hear people that are talking personal transactions in the public. With regards to their accounting system, they should keep all the records of transactions in one account or system that monitors all the accounts to avoid account lost. They should also have a complete set of office supplies such as computer units, chairs and tables for the convenience of their employees. As to our supervisor, she should give ask us if we understand well her instructions before she will give us tasks to do to avoid hesitation and repeating of jobs. - WORK EXPERIENCE WITH H. T. E Sky Cable is the most popular company in terms of cable TVs and this institution gave me a lot of education with regards to accounting applications and customer relation processes. Accounting theories compare to real life situation in accounting is very far enough. Our supervisor, Ma’am Felomina J. Diana, an accounting staff of sky cable corporation taught us very well the processes of accounting in a more convenient way just like locating accounts using MS Excel and preparing checks for payment to suppliers and any bills, constructing acknowledgment form and mostly, preparing bank reconciliation of their company. She trusts us very well because unlike in the banks, she let us see and hold their accounts and transactions. If she feels that we are hungry, she buys snacks for us. Sometimes or most of the times she stopped on what she does just only chitchatting with us. She’s very friendly, approachable, and a good teacher. This is the best of our supervisor. This is the best of Sky.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Hemp - The Truth About The Earths Greatest Plant
Hemp - The Truth About The Earths Greatest Plant Persuasive Essay on the benifits of hemp Exclellent - A-In a perfect world there would be a product that could serve as a fuel source, a food source, a paper source, a textile source, and this product would be easy to produce in any of its forms. Believe it or not such a product does exist; it is the plant known as hemp. No tree or plant species on earth has the commercial, economic, and environmental potential of hemp. Over 30,000 known products can be manufactured from hemp.Hemp was a common crop grown in the U.S. until 1937 when it was unjustly banned. A common misconception about hemp is that it was banned because it was a widely abused, harmful drug. Hemp was banned because it was a competitive threat to the wood industry. Corporations that profited from the demise of hemp spread rumors that marijuana was a major drug problem, which it was not at the time.English: Cultivation of industrial hemp for fiber ...They also propagated a campaign that it was a drug that induced uncontro llable violence, another complete falsehood.Hemp is the plant scientifically known as cannabis sativa. It is referred to as hemp when it is grown for its fibers, stem, and seeds. Its leaves and flowers produce the drugs marijuana and hashish. However, sterile breeds of the plant are still illegal to grow in the U.S. Literally millions of wild hemp plants grow throughout the entire Midwest today. Wild hemp, like hemp used for industry purposes, is useless as an intoxicant. Yet U.S. drug law states that one acre of this can result in the owner being sentenced to death. The death penalty exists for growing one acre of perfectly harmless, non-intoxicating weeds!Hemp can produce any product that paper can produce. The difference is that one acre of hemp...
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